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Scrap Cleaning Plant, Spain, 2024
Type of work: Construction, assembly, system design
Production year: 2024
Location: Poland
Production year: 2023
Location: Morocco
Location: Germany
Year of production: 2023
Customer: Metallco
Location: Norway
Location: Luxembourg
Production year: 2022
Year of production: 2021
Location: Slovenia
Construction, assembly, system design
Location: Swiss
Year of production: 2022
Location: Sweden
Type of work: construction, assembly
Location: France
Year of production: 2020
Design, Assembly
Location: Belgium
construction, assembly
Type of work: construction, assembly, system design
Year of production: 2019
Type of work: construction, manufacture, installation
Customer: Metallco Aluminium AS
Location: Eina, Norway
Location: Austria
SCP 1600 SM SF – Scrap cleaning plant 50 t/h semi-mobile + screen 0-20 mm, fine ferrous fraction recovery
SLF-S - Shredder light fraction treatment plant 10 t/h
SCP30 OVB M – Overbelt magnetic multipole scrap cleaning plant 30 t/h + pre-screen
Year of production: 2017
SCP 1600 SF – Scrap cleaning plant 50 t/h + screen 0-30 mm, fine ferrous fraction recovery
SCP 2400 SF – Scrap cleaning plant 120 t/h + screen 0-30 mm
Customer: Metallco Stene AS
Location: Fredrikstad, Norway
Year of production: 2018
Year of production: 2016
Location: England
Design, Manufacture, Assembly
Customer: Metallco Oppland AS
Location: Fredrikstad Norway
Year of production : 2015
Customer: Albert Hoffmann GmbH
Year of production: 2015
Design, Manufacture, Delivery Supporting structures, conveyors
Customer: BSW Stahl - Nebenprodukte GmbH
Location: Kehl Germany
Year of production: 2014
Facade panels with supporting structure
Customer: Weberg Prosjekt AS
Location: Oslo, Norway
Year: 2014 - 2015
RADOME reconstruction, heating and cooling system
Customer: Space-SI
Year: 2014
Steel structures, silo body, elevator
Customer: Steklarna Hrastnik
Location: Hrastnik SLO
Customer: SOLUFER Sa
Customer: BHS Sonthofen
Location: Uexheim Germany
Acoustic cabin Design, Manufacture, Assembly
Customer: BHS Sonthofen Germany
Year: 2013
Design, manufacture, assembly
Customer: Metalindt
Location: Triglav, Slovenija
Year: 2012
Design, manufacture, assembly, start up
Customer: Acroni
Location: Jesenice, Slovenija
Project: Shredder heavy fraction separation
Customer: Norsk Gjenvinning AS
Customer: Municipality Sezana
Location: Sežana, Slovenija
Customer: Matjaž Meze s.p.
Location: Airport Lesce, Slovenia
Year: 2011
Customer: Koslow GmbH
Location: Landshut, Nemčija
Design, manufacture, start up
Customer: SIAPRO
Location: Ravne na Koroškem, Slovenija
Customer: TEP Kobarid
Location: Tolmin, Slovenija
Year: 2010
Modifications, upgrading, regulation
Year: 2009
Manufacture, assembly
Location: Sever de Vouga, Portugal
Manufacture, assembly, start up
Year: 2008
Design, manufacture
Location: Sankt Peterburg, Russia
Year: 2007
Customer: Dinos Ljubljana
Location: Kočevje, Slovenija
Design, manufacture, supervision
Customer: OMV Avstrija
Location: Wienna, Austria
Location: Belgija
Location: Zenica, BiH
Customer: Triglavski narodni park
Location: Bled, Slovenija
Year: 2006
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